Detachment 1 / 21
601 Tactical Control Squadron Ayers Kaserne Butzbach/Kirchgoens (and various other places), Germany
Det 1, 601 TCS / Det 21, 601 TCS (Or Anywhere Else in the 601st!)
Message Board
March 11, 2025
If you were stationed w/ Detachment 1 (changed to 21 in 1970) of the 601st, post memories, messages and/or contact information here.
(See also: Det 1/21 Photos Page)
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[Tue Jun 10 21:16:32 2008] home.....
Max, I'm curious if you're the same Max Carter I served in the Air Force in Germany with. Ayers Kasern near Butzbach, Germany in the late 60's. I recall we were both into stereo's, built the "Brute 70" power amp. from scratch. Parts from Allied Radio & others. It does look like you in the pix. Let me know. You may respond to Luckey
[Thu Jun 12 05:48:44 2008] viewcoms.
Yeah, I'm the same guy, now 40 years older, retired and living in Wyoming (29 years). I still have that Brute 70, modified and repaired over the years but still going strong. I remained interested in electronics after leaving the service and have more or less made a living at it, plus doing a lot of hobby stuff.
Max ('66 - '69)
[Sun Nov 16 19:05:37 2008] det1board.
Hi Max, I was just surfing a bit this evening and decided to drop by to say hi. I was looking at the Sembach AB alumni website last evening. Lot's of pix from the 60's and old memories stirred up my nostalgic impulses. I've seen many websites dedicated to Germany and Europe in general during the cold war years. I don't believe many people know how many of us were over there during those times. Some of the bases resembled small cities by today's standards. By contrast, there is only a small number of people stationed at those bases today. They decommissioned the 601st during the 90's since it's reason for existing had passed with the cold war. What I found most interesting was that they actually dug up the flight line at Sembach. I don't quite understand that. As of a couple of years ago, the tower still stood, abondoned. It looks like the local farming communities have taken over part of what used to be the flight area. I was also reading that the base housing is in such disrepair that they're abandoning it by attrition and plan to demolish it. Those barracks we lived at were mostly built in the 50's so I doubt they could be in much better repair. Sembach is now an annex of Ramstein AB. It's lost its' status as an air base with the demise of the flight line. What's unclear to me though is the present use of the base. In aerial shots you can see the 601st control and reporting center (where we had the radar, communications gear, etc.) is an empty area. I'm not really sure what the current units stationed there do. Have a nice Thanksgiving, Max. I hope you and your family can get together to enjoy the holiday. Three of my 4 kids will be at our house for the holiday. Ugh, and I have to work Friday! Fun!
[Wed Nov 19 07:05:52 2008] det1board
Yeah, many of those old European bases are derelict. Ayers Kaserne also is pretty much trashed out. The Det 1 radar site is now a gravel pit! I wonder who gets title to those places when they are abandoned?
Not sure where Thanksgiving will take place for me. It's either 110 miles up the interstate to my brother's place, or 70 miles in the other direction to one of my kids' places - will see..
Happy Holidays!
[Sat Nov 22 08:36:45 2008] det1board
Hi Al,
> I'd be interested in > viewing the site that shows a gravel pit at the radar site. Send along > the link when you get a minute.
The link is below. I couldn't figure out how to save the close-up view of the gravel pit, but you should easily be able to find it and zoom in from this view.
Ayers Kaserne is to the upper left of the town of Kirch Göns, the gravel pit is located in the upper center of Ayers. The post theater (which no longer exists) was one block north of the parade ground, the radar site was one long block north of the theater.
Kirch Gons, Germany
[Sun Nov 23 10:28:59 2008] det1board
> You seem to have a better recollection of the layout than I do. > Except for the building we lived in, I was a bit foggy as to the layout > of the rest of the site. I knew approximately where the radar site was > but I couldn't recall where the theater was and I'm still confused as to > the location of the snack bar/bookstore, etc. > I remember Sembach better but that's likely because I was there > somewhat longer than I was at Ayers. We got out more at Sembach than we > did at Ayers, to. Not much to do at Ayers, go to the movies whenever it > changed, work, eat at the snack bar and hang around the barracks on our > off time. I guess that's how we got so wrapped up in stereo's. > It's sad, though, to see it in the state of disrepair in which it > exists now. I understand President Ford was there once. > Al
Yeah, I'm in a similar state of confusion regarding the layout of Sembach, even though I visited the place a number of times and attended several week- and two week-long seminars there. I recently looked at an aerial view and was totally dis-oriented. I think I've identified where the snack bar/BX area was but don't have a clue about where the radar dome/site was. I remember the Rod and Gun Club was sort off in the woods somewhere.
Your confusion about where stuff was at Ayers might be related to the fact that there were two radar sites in use during the time we were there. The original site was two blocks east of the barracks, south and east of the parade ground, next to the library.
The snack bar/bookstore etc. was part of a complex west of the parade ground. It appears to be totally trashed now.
[Fri Dec 12 16:37:08 2008] det1board
Looking to contact any old members of Det. 1, 601st TCS 1968-1972 John Balsillie
[Sat Dec 13 06:49:04 2008] det1board
Nice to hear from you, John! Refresh my memory: What section were you in?
You might want to post a contact email address.
Best Regards,
[Sun Dec 14 17:36:44 2008] det1board
John Balsillie (Det 1 & Det 21 601st TCS "The Rock" Germany) Contact@.....
with kind regards to Max for setting up this link.
[Fri Feb 13 15:13:46 2009] det1board
I was on the Rock from 64 to 67.It sure looks like a ghost town now.I'm Charles Ervin;
[Tue Mar 3 13:59:07 2009] det1board
Hi, My dad was stationed at kirchgoens in the early 60's. He was married there and from what I gather I have a half brother in germany. Can anyone tell me how I can find out more info as my dad passed away and noone in my family really knows anything. Maybe somone can tell me the name of where he likely got married at. You can email me at
[Fri Apr 10 13:12:14 2009] det1board
Hi Max, Just stopping by to say hi since it's been awhile. The weather is starting to break here--had a couple of nice days. The grass has exited dormancy so that will give me some much needed outdoor time in the coming weeks. I'm getting some much needed vacation beginning today and ending a week from Monday. Seems like all I do is work anymore. I've resolved I'm going to tune up my bike, which has set in the shed unused for the past 5 years, get some hiking boots and reacquaint myself with the out-of-doors this year. I hope your family is well. I hope you have a nice Easter. See you soon. Al Luckey
[Fri Apr 10 13:14:44 2009] det1board
I almost forgot to mention I'm using a new e-mail address. You can contact me at The old Juno address is still good but I don't check it as often. Regards, Al
[Thu Oct 1 01:34:45 2009] det1board
I went to Det 21 in 73 when it was still at Butzbach (Kirch Goens) as a radar tech. The Army had thrown us off base housing so we lived on the economy. Then in mid 74 we moved to Wiesbaden Air Base and they plopped us on the far side of the air strip next to the old horse racing club house and housing was in WWII Luftwaffen barracks.
Mike Brood now dedicated to my dad's ole submarine.
[Fri Nov 13 23:19:48 2009] det1board
Hello message board - I am trying to relate that I was stationsed @ KG 70-72. I just recently became aware of your web site. I, along w/other X-Butzbachers, have held reuions since 1999, every 2 yrs. I would take advandage of anyone on this website to contact us so that we may combine to share memories, etc. I find your pics of the site irraplacable. John B worked in our area and we have been in contact. Thank you - Geo
I may want to add that our most loyal retired USAF warrent that was in change of the Rod & Gun Club is presumed deceased.
[Fri Nov 20 15:00:15 2009] det1board
My name is Dave Beasley. I served with the 601st TCS at Simmershausen/Rothwesten 06/1946-10'48 We guided aircraft thorugh the air corridor to Tempelhof in Berlin before and during the Berlin Airlift. Anyone else out there from that era?
[Sun Nov 22 07:04:47 2009] det1board
Nice to hear from you, Dave! 601 TCS was a part of History! Any photos of that era you may have would be greatly appreciated. See Det 1/21 photos page.
[Thu Dec 10 13:21:10 2009] det1board
My name is George Slavick I was stationed with the 601 TCS at Sembach Ab, 71 to 73 then moved to Wiesbaden 73 to 75 then Prum Air Station in 75 prior to returning to the states. I worked at the CRC site and was a ground radio operator. Our call sign was no trump. Would like to make contact with people whi I served with. My e mail address is
[Wed Dec 30 11:06:54 2009] det1board
Hello Det 1/21 alumni! I was there at Ayers Kaserne from 1968 to 1972 as a young Captain. Anyone remember William D (Dave) McClintock? I was your Commander. Remember when we dug a trench from our site out to the buried com cables leading leading from the helicopter pad to the Army Hawk site? Lt Trinkhaus was the Ops Officer there also. John Basille - what section did you work in? I received a 'facebook' message from you, but didn't remember the name until I saw it here. My email address is:
[Sun Jan 10 17:19:12 2010] det1board
Hi Max, This is Paul Bertino. I think when I can to Butzbach you were my sponsor. I was there till we relocated to Wiesbanden, AFB. Get to see this site. I have some pictures I can upload too. Great seeing this web site. Thanks!
[Sun Jan 10 23:04:44 2010] det1board
Hi Iam Lonnie Cockrell i was there from 71 to 73 in radar ops.I was there Capt. McClintock,Lt Trinkhaus,Sgt Harris, Tsgt Buckland,John Uhaus, John Olsher, Maurice Eaton, SSgt Richardson,the guys in Age Sgt.Milton George,Sgt Walker.I remember my first DEPLOYMENT !!!!!!!. My Email is LEOCOCKRELL@HOTMAIL.COM.
[Mon Jan 11 07:04:45 2010] det1board
Views and postings up lately. Thanks to all and keep it up!
Yeah, Paul, I encourage you (and everyone else) to send those photos! Convert them to digital form (at FedEx/Kinko's, for example) and post them here.
[Fri Jan 15 15:43:35 2010] det1board
Hi I'M Ronnie Bolin, I was in D Co. 122nd Maint from Oct 1966 till May 1968, I was a wrecker operator for half the time and a welder in the service and evac section, would like very much to here form anyone I was with then,
[Fri Jan 29 00:29:15 2010] det1board
O.K everyone..This Al Orgnon..was station in K.G. det 21 from jan 70 till march 73.. Still here//Been living in Langgoens ever since// E mail
[Wed Feb 3 21:25:40 2010] det1board
Hello to all:I have created a photo Weblog of Det 1, 1968-1971. Enjoy. John B
[Sat Feb 6 09:13:04 2010] det1board
I'm Jim Ryan and served @ Det3/23 in Alzey from 69 to 72 in Radio Ops. George S I remember being on air with you when we were Expire. I was in Sembach last January - not much left except for housing for Ramstein. Pretty weird. Take care all
[Tue Feb 9 18:41:13 2010] det1board
Bob House, I was just thinking about our deployment to Greece. That was something. I still have a burn from trying to lite the trash pit using gasoline. On another trip I also remember have to clean one our turbine generators when I tried to warm a can of "C" rations and it exploded.
[Fri Feb 12 08:29:34 2010] det1board
Hi Bob,
Yeah, I remember those generators could boil a canteen cup of coffee in about 15 seconds!
[Sun Feb 28 20:11:03 2010] det1board
This Dick Perkins I was stationed at Det1(21) from 1969 -1972. I was in Ground Radio Maint. I remember most of the people who have responded to this site. The name of the guy in the Radar Van is Bill Huff from Detroit. He was and I hope still is a gentle giant. I am about to enter the world of retirement after working for the Xerox Corp. for 38 years. I have some great memories of Det 1 the USAF and the great people I was fortunate to spend time with. I think of those times and people often
[Fri May 28 06:32:02 2010] det1board
Hi Max, Accidentaly ran across your site while trying to locate Randy Pousson. Have you heard from him? I'm headed to San Antonio this weekend with plans to take a side trip to Austin to meet up with Mike Wenglar. I was at Ayers from July 1968 to Jan. 1970. I was a Radio Relay Tech. I'm trying to get some pictures from Mike. If so, I'll send them on. Every thing that I had was stolen along with my hold baggage at the New Orleans airport. What's a mutha to do! Check with you later. Bob Guidry
[Sat May 29 05:53:49 2010] det1board
Hi Bob,
Nice to hear from you!
No, I've never heard from Randy Pousson. Someone mentioned he had been in contact with him for awhile. Contact ended after Randy experienced a death in his family.
The worst that happened to me was getting stiffed for the limousine fare to the Philadelphia airport from Ft Dix/McGuire.
[Thu Jun 3 14:15:03 2010] det1board
Hi Max, I figured I would stop by to see what's new here. I saw the post from Dick Perkins and sent along a message since our career's have followed a simiar path. I did correspond with Randy Pousson until the mid-70's after which I didn't hear from him again. No idea why but if anyone hears from him I would like to re-establish contact at some point. He also related that Terry Courts was training as a plumber. No additional info. Bob Guidry: I lost your e-mail address when we briefly corresponded a couple of years ago. My e-mail is so if you want to contact me I have some additional info that may or may not take you somewhere. Still working but there's a light at the end of the tunnel - approx. 2 years to go. I enjoyed all the pix that were uploaded to this site. Even though I had taken a photography course at Sembach when I was there, never really got into the hobby until I had kids.
[Thu Jun 3 14:16:31 2010] det1board
Forgot to sign my name to the last post. Sorry! Al Luckey
[Wed Jul 21 20:10:54 2010] det1board
looking for anybody from 2bn 32nd armor 3rd div from 1967 to 1969
[Mon Aug 2 22:54:24 2010] det1board
Howdy. I ended up with the 621TCF at the end of May first of June 1975. The unit was TDY near Fulda. The 601st and our sister unit were on the helo pads next to the "White House" at the end of the Runway at Wiesbaden AB. After the summer was over the 601st left for Prum along with the other TCF. Maj. Willet was the Commander. Tsgt Cassidy and Wiant were the NCO's for OPS. Had a great time in this unit. Stayed with it till 78, then sent to Gila Bend AFAF. I will need to digitize some old photos.
Chris Taylor
[Wed Aug 4 05:26:40 2010] det1board
Thanks for the post, Chris! Looking forward to seeing those photos!
[Sun Sep 5 08:42:40 2010] det1board
Trying to find Bob house and Jerry Haenisch...know they are married to locals..anyone got an E mail... Al Orgnon
[Wed Sep 8 18:11:04 2010] det1board
Hi Al. Living in Charlotte, N.C. Just retired from Frito-Lay.
Bob House
[Sat Sep 18 07:18:44 2010] det1board
I'm looking for Carl Brooks, Det 21 circa 1970's. J W Balsillie
[Thu Nov 11 14:06:55 2010] det1board
At Prum in 82 and 83 with the 601 TCS Operations and CRO duties. I remember SSgt. Garcia "Rat", A1C Brainord(?), SSgt. Smith in the computer shop along with "Ski". And the unforgetable A1C Campenary. Sgt. Tom Tarwater and Tsgt. Ron(?) from Reading, PA. And "Weasel" the cook who was driving the shuttle bus from Biturg when I showed up the cold,snowy night. Tsgt. Brumfield who could make you believe anything.
[Fri Nov 26 12:23:14 2010] det1board
Was with D-122 Maint Bn 1963-1965. Air Force was in the same barracks. You got a new LT. in I believe '64 who thought all Air Force vehicles should be blue.Two or threr days later the Air Force was scrounging all over Ayers for OD paint. Chuck Brockman D-122 3rd AD (SPEARHEAD)
[Wed Dec 1 22:57:10 2010] det1board
LeutQuaion was there when we were tjere,anda big gentle gioant, black, we just cajed hin top gave me an iron, to alwaus remember hjim by.
[Fri Dec 24 12:51:37 2010] det1board
Sgt Orenzo graham I was stationed at the rock from 1970=1973 2-32 dining facility
[Fri Jan 28 12:29:37 2011] det1board
I am Dave Dooley and I was stationed at Det 6 601 TCS at Grafenwohr, Germany. I was there from Jun 66 to Jun 69 and was the Det commander for most of the time. Anyone out there ever made it to Graf. Please contact me at I retired from the AF in 1982 and current live just outside of Las Vegas, NV.
[Tue Apr 19 12:26:38 2011] det1board
I'm JIM CANNON of Powell,WY. I was stationed at AYERS FROM 1959 to 1962 with "C" Co. 1st Cav. Bn. 3rd AD. Would like to hear from anyone of that era.
[Sun Aug 14 19:49:32 2011] det1board
I, was with Hq&A co 122nd in 65a66 those who screwed up in Head&A were sent to the Rock as punishment. Is it true, it was that bad?
[Sun Sep 11 21:14:38 2011] det1board
Stew and his wife stopped by on their way back from the reunion and we had a wonderful visit and talk. John William Balsillie USAF, Butzbach 1968-1971
[Thu Sep 29 04:01:27 2011] det1board
Hi to all of you,
we are trying to find a Veteran. He must have been stationed in Butzbach or around there in the mid 60's to early 70's. He supposedly went to Vietnam after he left Germany. His name is Julius L. Smith. Don't know if he was Army or Air Force. If you have any information, please send an email to
Any info is appreciated. Dee
[Sat Dec 10 07:33:55 2011] det1board
Buck Sgt Jose' L. Ponce reporting for duty, SIR ! I went to the 601st TAC outfit Weisbaden AFB in Dec 1974. The squadron was out on manuevers in the worst of weather of course. Later that year we were moved to Pruem AFS north of Bitburk AFB in the Shwartzer Mts. The TPS-43 Radar would always break down on Friday afternoon, like clock work. Naturely it would be fixed on Sunday afternoon. No comp-time off ever ! Moved to the 777 Radar Squadron, Klamth AFS, Ca in Jan 1977. It was beautiful for the first month. Then boring. In 1977 I went back home to Puerto Rico for 25 years. Sine April 2002 I now I'm in Miami Florida. Not bad. I'll be standing by to read more of your new stuff...
[Sun Dec 11 05:35:16 2011] det1board
Thanks for checking in, Jose!
[Mon Dec 12 10:02:50 2011] det1board
My name is Kennet Root and I was stationed at this place from 1970 to 1973 with the Army unit STRATCOM. I was the company clerk under Captain Charles Hastings. I can be reached at
[Wed Jan 11 18:49:21 2012] det1board
Hello, I'm Joe Potrzuski. I was stationed at Graf in the mid 60's with the 1944th Communications Squadron out of Pforzheim Air Station. You guys in the 601st and our squadron were the only Air Force Units on that awful Army base. There were only 4 of us, but you guys at Detachment 6 treated us like family. My thanks to the Yeager (sp) family, Russ Thomas, Lt.s Dave Bates, and Ted Nugent. You folks were (and I'm sure still are) the best. I'd love to hear from you.
[Mon Mar 12 13:41:18 2012] det1board
What are the odds, looking for info on my Syntor X 100 watt UHF and come across this. I was at the 603rd at Site One Melighan(sp) Jan 83 to Jan 85. See the site on Google earth looks like a sports complex now. I was one of 4 radio operators working next to the TSC-62 and TCC-30 vans. We had remoted the TSC-60 van control heads into our own little shelter. Played many a Charlie Scale on base and then NATO Tac Evals on Site. Days on end in Mop Gear until everyone started getting pretty ripe - oh yeah - fun times. But then Bischhof, Apple Core, and Bad Durkeim wine fest made things interesting. KB9BJH
[Tue Mar 13 06:21:47 2012] det1board
Thanks for the post, Craig.
[Sat May 5 21:21:08 2012] det1board
I am looking for anyone that was stationed at sembach air base around 1985. My father Patrick Crowe was stationed there around this time I have never met him and have been looking for him for quite some time with no help from the hq in texas since he is not receiving any compensation. Any help would be appreciated thank you and god bless
[Sat May 5 21:23:28 2012] det1board
In regards to looking for lost father if anyone has any information please send to thank you!
[Mon May 7 07:07:41 2012] det1board
Do you know what squadron he was in?
[Mon May 7 17:17:00 2012] det1board
I dont only that he was at the base and that I was born in kaiserslautern august 86 so he was at sembach atleast in 85
[Mon Jun 11 21:16:13 2012] det1board
Hello Max, I am William E. Smith, I was a SSgt in Radio Maint. NCOIC Comm Maint. I remember the trip you, Pousson,? and I took to the Paris Air show. Can't remember who the forth person was. I left Ayers in Aug.70 to Tinker AFB,Ok. Finished up 21+ years with many more assignments before retiring as a MSgt.
[Tue Jun 12 06:01:22 2012] det1board
Hey Bill!
I remember that trip! I remember us looking up "Pousson" (a French name) in the Paris phone directory and finding a reference or two. When we looked up "Smith" we found page after page of Smiths.
Good times!
I got out of the AF in '69 and went to work for various phone, computer and power companies. Now retired in Wyoming amongst prairie dogs and rattlesnakes.
Thanks for writing. Take care!
[Sat Oct 13 16:11:07 2012] det1board
i was at ayers in kirch goens in 1962 and1963 in the 2nd mtd 1st cav scout platone
[Wed Oct 17 20:42:04 2012] det1board
Was stationed at Graf with Det 6 of the 601st TCS from Dec 1965 to Jan 1969.
Hurley Ballenger, 304x4 Ground Radio.
[Tue Oct 23 07:55:13 2012] det1board
Was stationed at Graf with Det 6 of the 601st TCS from Feb 1967 to Jul 1970
Thomas Tilman, 421x3 Aero Space Ground Equip Tec.
[Wed Oct 31 13:46:57 2012] det1board
HI! my name is Charlie Wymon Dixon and I was stationed at Detachmet 200 601st Tactical CONTROL Squadron in Celle Germany from 1963 to 1965. I am trying to hook up with Jerome James, Harold Johnson, or Robert (Bobo) Gilliam or anyone else from that era. I WORKED in AC&W (radar scope) WHILE THERE.My e-mail address is Hope to here from someone.
[Mon Nov 12 12:10:32 2012] det1board
hello, I'm Joe Hopkins and with D122 maint from 72 to 73. I have seen a picture of the base but can't remembe where our barracks was at. We shared it with the MPs.
Any ideas?
[Thu Nov 15 19:57:21 2012] det1board
Hi Max, I haven't touched base with you recently so figured I'd just post a note on your site to let you know I haven't forgot. I've been busy lately working on my pending retirement at the end of next month. Thirty-one yrs. is enough for me so gave my notice recently. I'll catch up with you via e-mail soon when I get some time. Have a nice Thanksgiving. Btw, e-mail address hasn't changed. Al Luckey
[Thu Jan 10 17:14:30 2013] home.....
Am looking for any info from 1961-1962 from Simmerhausen, rothwestern, Kassel, Velmar, Germany, my mother is a german national, impregnated by an American GI, sometime in 1961. His name was Robert Lee Frazier from Texas, possibly Houston. He was married at the time with a son and daughter. I am sure that he may not be alive at this point. but I sure would like to know how many sisters and brothers I may have. I served in the AF for 8 yrs so I am a vet. Am American citizen also and have been for a long time. Live in GA. Have 1 daughter, 3 grandchildren. My Mama is still alive ( 73) still beautiful but if anyone knows any info I would greatly appreciate it. Am 50 yrs old. My name is Silke(Fischer) Sauer back in the day. Thank you!
[Tue Apr 16 03:55:22 2013] det1board
I'm looking for any G.I.'s stationed in Greece in 1984-1987. I don't have unit numbers or too many last names, but a lot of people I'd like to find. I have NO idea how to begin. Any suggestions?
[Tue Apr 16 17:32:57 2013] det1board
Hurley Ballenger, Did you know Russ Thomas, with the 601st? He was a radio operator. I was not in the 601st, but we, the 1944th Communications Squadron, operated a TACAN out of Graf. Russ and I were good friends, but I haven't been able to locate him. He was from Westfield, NJ. If you either knew or know him and his current location, please let me know. Thanks! Joe Potrzuski
[Sat Jun 8 23:32:34 2013] det1board
anyone ever heard of Det 1, 15th comm sqd in Rothwesten germany. my dad was stationed there in 1970-1973
[Fri Aug 2 02:11:19 2013] det1board
Hi Max, I noticed that Smitty checked in recently. According to his address he's somewhere in the southeast. I will attempt to contact him.Maybe he knows where Pousson is. Later, Bob Guidry
[Fri Aug 2 05:47:19 2013] det1board
Hi Bob,
Nice to hear from you again. Be sure to post here if you find anything about Randy.
[Fri Oct 18 09:49:03 2013] det1board
If anyone is searching for SSgt Patrick Choo. Contact me at Guy
[Thu Dec 19 17:17:01 2013] det1board
Stationed at det one 601dass Gibbs kaserne 1966 1967. Cmdr Edward w cutler. We had to put up with those damn lrrps types polishing their boots in the Air Force types went out and got patten leather boots to match our shiny m16s. I miss the good old days when we knew who the enemies were.....oh well......thanks for your service!
[Sun Feb 23 09:06:21 2014] det1board
Anyone have any info on DET 5 in Bamberg. 1960s. Thanks
[Fri Mar 21 17:33:13 2014] det1board
Hi Max, I ran across this site and I thought maybe I could find some information on my father. He passed away Jan 13, 2013 and he was in the Air Force and was stationed at one point at Sembach late 60's early 70's. His records have him listed in Det 27, 601 Tsc Con Sq. His name was Empie Mitchell Watts. My mother and I thank you.
[Fri Mar 21 17:38:33 2014] det1board
Ref my last post..correction...Det 27, 601 Tac Con Sq
[Sat Mar 22 05:41:05 2014] det1board
The name doesn't ring a bell with me but maybe someone who knew him will see your post. Do you have an email address you'd care to put on here just in case?
[Wed Apr 9 17:46:04 2014] det1board
SSGT Kimberly "Dyer", formerly of the 621st TCF in Wiesbaden and 601st TCS in Pruem during the 70s. Both could have been great assignments if I had a better head on my shoulders, but I enjoyed them for the most part. We worked mostly on TRC-97s. I loved learning electronics and thankful digital technology was coming around. It allowed me to channel my inner techno-nerd "It's all ones and zeros". After Germany I rotated back to the states for a few months, then back to England for 3 years until 1981 when I separated and lived in Arizona until 1991. I now travel full-time and it suits me. I've enjoyed re-connecting in cyber-space with some of the folks I was stationed with in Germany and England.
[Wed Apr 16 17:00:32 2014] det1board
I was at Det 5 Bamberg from 1966 to 1967. Then we moved to Bad Kreuznach. I always like Bamberg the best. don szambelan
[Thu May 1 00:46:41 2014] det1board
I was told I should put my email Addy if anyone wanted to contact me or about anyone I was stationed with could contact me. Kimberly Dyer Kelley - i can be reached at
[Tue Jul 8 20:07:51 2014] det1board
Gary Hivnor: I was stationed at 601TCS Det 100 in Celle, Germany 1963-66. I was in radar maintenance. Made it to Sembach a few times but mostly in Celle. If you were there, please email:
[Tue Jul 15 21:14:31 2014] det1board
Dennis Jucha Det 27 1970 thru 73
[Sun Nov 30 16:38:28 2014] det1board
Hi Max, I figured I would stop by and say hi since it's been awhile. Not doing a lot in retirement except things around the house that I neglected while working. Family good and not much has changed since the last I checked in with you. I did look but still haven't located Randy Pousson. I saw somewhere he was farming in La. but no info as to where and no contact info listed. I read this on a gov. website - he was receiving a grant from the govt. for his farm. Not even sure it was the right guy. Hope you are well and will try to stay in touch. My e-mail is the same so if you aren't too busy, drop me a line.......later, Al Luckey
[Wed Jan 7 19:13:00 2015] det1board
Max, This is Randy Clayton from Simpson. Remember me? I just read a letter from you of LONG ago. Good memories. My email address is phone number 801.836.7507 PLEASE give me a call! I am in Utah
[Thu Mar 19 22:21:06 2015] det1board
George Slavick this is Dan Curran, I was stationed with you at Sembach and Wiesbaden AB, Germany. 1972-1974, if my mind serves me right. We were in the 601st TCS. I've been trying to find Al Nagy and Steve Bloomfield. I retired as a Captain, after 30 years of Service. I live in Tucson, Arizona. My email is
[Sun Aug 9 16:08:14 2015] det1board
I was at Sembach in 1967-1972 My husband was a fire fighter is name Thomas Hector Stanback I'm looking for anyone who know the family and can get in touch with me at
[Sat Jan 23 09:09:55 2016] det1board
Hi there! My name is Bill Seiter and I was with Det 21 601st TCS 70-73. Went back to the Bronx since the AF had enough of me. Got married, had Kids, worked on Wall Street, sold Insurance, Mutual funds and finally ended up in South Florida as a Mailman. Now I am retired and have 5 Grandchildren. I play poker and trade stock options to keep busy. Hope all you people are doing well and enjoying life
[Mon Feb 15 17:16:52 2016] det1board
My name is Charlie W. Dixon. I was stationed at detachment 200,601st Tactical Control Squadron (Celle Germany)from 1963 to 1965. I am trying to locate Harold Johnson, Robert (bobo)Gilliam, James Gerome.Help
[Sat Mar 5 11:21:33 2016] det1board
Hi Max- I was with the 601 TAC worked on TRAC-97's late 70's. Looking for Steve Provo.
[Fri Mar 25 11:19:49 2016] det1board
Hi Max I am looking for Harold Wood. He was stationed at Sembach AB in 1961-1962.
[Sat Jul 9 15:59:58 2016] det1board
Anyone from Prum 601 TCS from 1986-89 Col Madden was the Commander
[Wed Jul 13 20:16:36 2016] det1board
My name is Tom Kolesar,looking for Dennis Jucha Det 27 1968-72.
[Thu Jul 21 14:01:48 2016] det1board
Dennis Jucha Det 27 1968-72. yes it me i sent u an email
[Fri Jul 22 02:35:16 2016] det1board
Tom it me Dennis. Email address is I am still married lives in Antioch ill half metal.. Please let get together ..we love to travel hope ton here from u soon
[Sat Sep 24 00:44:54 2016] det1board
Al Nagy, 601 TCS 1972-77. Sembach, Wiesbaden, Pruem. Radio ops.
[Sun Oct 16 18:46:23 2016] det1board
Hello, Louis Quick, stationed first at Sembach, then Det 3 (I think) Alzey Site 68-69
[Fri Apr 21 20:13:00 2017] det1board
Smitty 2565386072 looking for John Dorsey
[Sun May 28 15:43:27 2017] det1board
Capt. William D (Dave) McClintock... your email is dead... any update? Mike Brood radar maint 73-75
[Tue Sep 19 13:32:51 2017] det1board
Was in OL 20 in Koterberg was then changed to Det 5 in Bamberg
Jim Taylor
[Sat Oct 21 17:26:26 2017] det1board
601 TCS, 1972-77. Radio ops. Anyone else have leukemia?
[Tue Nov 7 11:51:58 2017] det1board
Looking at these pics sure do bring back memories. I was stationed at Det 5 in Bad Kreuznach 69 thru 73. I sure would like to get in contact with some others from the old Det 5....any ideas wold be welcomed.
John Hutchins
[Tue Nov 7 12:07:31 2017] det1board
Detachment 25 in Bad Kreuznach. Not Det 5...sorry for the confusion.
[Mon Nov 13 22:27:57 2017] det1board
Hi all, I was a Buck Sgt in the 603rd TCS at Sembach between 1973-75. Commops 291X0. Quite a difference Between my experiences then and what I see of it now on Goggle and GE.
Paaul Cook
[Wed Nov 15 00:25:49 2017] det1board
What ever happened to Bob Brown? Paul J. Bertino
[Fri Mar 30 15:32:40 2018] det1board
I am Charlie Wymon Dixon, worked at Det100 601 TCS, Celle Ger. from 1963 to 1965. Looking for Jerome James, HAROLD Johnson and Robert (BOBO) Gilliam. Help!!!!
[Thu Jun 14 17:45:05 2018] det1board
Hi Max, Still haven't found Pousson or Courts. The farmer Pousson is not our Randy. Talked to him and there is no relation. Hope this finds you well! Bob Guidry
[Fri Jun 15 06:03:14 2018] det1board
Thanks, Bob, for the update on your efforts to find Randy. He has disappeared, and I guess he wants it that way.
Doing well here. Recently acquired another grandchild.
[Sun Oct 7 11:44:28 2018] det1board
Looking for anyone who severed USAF 601st DASS Det 1 at Gibbs (Bonames) between 1966-1969? If yes, email me at or
[Thu Jan 31 15:23:02 2019] det1board
Served in the 601st DASS at Gibbs Kaserne in Frankfurt from 1967-1969 after serving at Funari Barracks in Mannheim in 1966. Our work site was next to the Army Air Field in Bonames. Anyone out there served there during this time? Andy Baron
[Sat Mar 9 20:49:05 2019] det1board
Hi Max. I finally found Randy Pousson. He's back home in Iota,LA More to follow. Bob Guidry
[Sun Mar 10 05:34:11 2019] det1board
Glad to hear it, Bob.
[Wed Jul 17 05:33:58 2019] det1board
Hi everyone, Im Ronald Howard stationed at Prum with the 601st TCS 1976 - 1979. I was a 27650 and worked in the Rubber Duck as a radar ops person. My main job was working in the Training section records keeping and training new personnel as they came into the unit. I also conducted evaluations of people as needed or part of the annual evaluation. My off duty hours were spent in the bowling alley and was one of the Eiffel bowling league directors. I also traveled every chance I could Volksmarching and achieved over 10,000 kilometers walking through Europe. Its good to know that someone cared enough about the 601st to build this site, this for me was the best assignment in my 20+ years of service in the USAF.
[Thu Jul 18 05:20:14 2019] det1board
Thanks Ronald. Your comments are appreciated.
[Mon Apr 20 21:13:14 2020] det1board
Al Nagy, 601TCS Sembach, Wiesbaden and Pruem, '72-'77. Just to pass a note, Bob Taylor, TRC-97, same unit, 1974-77, passed away Wed April 15, 2020. Had been ailing for about 8years,before that fit as a fiddle.
[Mon Jun 15 16:49:44 2020] det1board
Affirmative .det one 601st days.gibbs kasern bonemeal Aaron. 1967.col Edward w rex l pouter....just recently passed away.will send photos when I can find them.
[Fri Sep 18 00:18:57 2020] det1board
Max, this is Steve, AK4R. You can delete this since it does not pertain to your old unit in Germany. But, my family lived in Germany 90-92 96-98 and it was one of the best times of my life. I am wondering though, if you have any information on the IF impedance (and bandwidth if possible) of the HB-100. Working on a ham 10 GHz project here. Thanks in advance, Steve
[Sat Mar 6 07:23:37 2021] det1board
Hi guys, I just heard from Randys granddaughter. He passed away today of respiratory failure. He had COPD and damaged lungs from working in plants and shipyards all his life. He was an industrial painter. I had finally found him and we met in the parking lot of a Wal Mart for a few minutes one day. We had planned to get together at his house in a couple of weeks then this damned COVID hit. We talked a few times over this last year but he would have trouble breathing and we couldnt talk very long. I really wanted to have a long sit down with him, but! How have you been? I changed my computer last fall and had to change to Win 10 and I wasnt real happy. I also had to change from Outlook Express to Outlook and when I brought everything over from the old machine I lost all of my contacts. I got your email and was able to get yours and Maxs address. Ill try to stay in touch. Hope you two are well. Be safe, Bob Guidry.
Have a great day !
[Fri May 7 23:17:16 2021] det1board
All 601TCS DET 0100, 0200 AND 0300 between 1962 thru 1966, I have a group on Facebook. Type in 601st and it should pop up. Trying to see who is out there.
[Fri May 7 23:17:16 2021] det1board
All 601TCS DET 0100, 0200 AND 0300 between 1962 thru 1966, I have a group on Facebook. Type in 601st and it should pop up. Trying to see who is out there.
[Wed Sep 21 05:01:13 2022] det1board
Looking for anyone that served
at 601 TCS OL-A Erbeskopf Mtn, Germany. I was there about 1983-1986 Cherie Hanke/DeMille
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